Bioinformatics MSc and PhD online applications are now open

The Bioinformatics Ph.D./MSc program is 100% English. Applications are open to non-Turkish nationals. Tuition for foreign students is about $85/semester, regardless of the number of classes taken. 

Students with IELTS >= 7 or TOEFL >=96 are accepted.  Students who have a BSc degree with a GPA >= 2.7 from a Faculty of Science, Engineering or Medicinal discipline can apply for the Bioinformatics Ph.D. and Masters programs.
The online application website for the Bioinformatics program is now available:ı%20Uyruklu%20İngilizce(3).pdf

No direct financial support exists. However, foreign students are encouraged to apply to (Deadline is around Mar)

Proposed topics for research are:  
Information Retrieval from Bioinformatics Data
Information Privacy for Medical/Bioinformatics Data
Interactive Visualization Techniques for Exploring Multi-faceted Bioinformatics Data
Next-Gen RNA-seq data processing
Gene expression analysis
Semantic Modelling and Inter-operability in Bioinformatics
Translational Bioinformatics
Machine Learning in Bioinformatics
Development and validation of nanomaterial-based bioelectrochemical systems 


Last Update : 25.11.2020 17:53 Number of Views : 800
