Akademik Personel Barış Ethem SÜZEKDoç.Dr.Computer Engineering, PhD: George Mason University Bioinformatics Dept 0(252) 211 5583 DetayBelgin GÖÇMEN TAŞKINProf.Dr.Biology PhD:METU Biology Dept 0(252) 211 1789 Detay Erdem TÜRKDoktor Öğretim ÜyesiComputer Engineering, PhD:Mugla Univ Bioinformatics Dept 0(252) 211 1638 - 5056 DetayHatice GÜNEŞProf.Dr.Biology, Pennsylvania State University, PhD:Molecular Biology and Genetics 0(252) 211 1530 Detay Ömür BAYSALProf.Dr.Molecular Biology and Genetics, PhD:Georg-August Göttingen Univ Phytopathology Dept 0(252) 211 3240 DetayTalip ZENGİNDoktor Öğretim ÜyesiMolecular Biology and Genetics, PhD:Mugla Univ Bioinformatics Dept 0(252) 211 5110 Detay Tuğba SÜZEKDoç.Dr.Chair,Computer Engineering, PhD:George Mason Univ Bioinformatics Dept 0(252) 211 5484 DetayÜlkü ANIKProf.Dr.Chemistry PhD:Ege University Analytical Chemistry Detay